When Should You Jet Wash Your Patio? (A Beginner’s Guide)


The best way to get your patio sandstone looking new again is with the use of strong chemicals. These strong chemicals will strip off any old sealers or grout, etc.

So, when is the right time to Jet Wash your Patio? It’s best to jet wash your patio 1 – 2 times per year to remove grime and debris from your concrete or wood floors and walls.

You know you want to but you can’t find the instructions anywhere on how to Jet Wash a Patio

Well fear not we’re here to help and we’ve summarised all of our advice in one place.

This will save you the time and energy of trawling through websites and looking through forum posts that often go off-topic or become outdated very quickly.

We hope that this article is easy to follow and also instructive for new users who have never used a jet washer before

Jet Washing is an effective way of cleaning stones, bricks, pathways, etc when they are caked in dirt. However it’s important not to use too much pressure otherwise damage may occur. 

In order to protect your property and ensure a thorough clean, follow our step-by-step guide.

jet wash a patio


Before you begin, check all your equipment is in good working order and nothing needs replacing. Ensure you have enough water on-site or that there is a hosepipe connected to the water supply nearby. 

You should also have a solution of washing up liquid diluted with water ready to apply once you have finished jet washing.

In most cases, it is best to use hot soapy water from a bucket when Jet Washing as cold water can cause your machine’s pump seal to fail. 

If however, you are cleaning pathways or other areas where very little pressure is required then cold soapy water may be used if preferred.

Preparation before washing

Walk around your entire property before beginning to find the areas that are in most need of cleaning. 

These will normally be downpipes, paths, walls, and steps, etc. It’s best practice to check the paving slabs on your patio or driveway are not loose or damaged. 

This is when you still have access so remember where they are when finishing up.

Once you’re happy with your plans for necessary cleaning, get all your tools ready beforehand. 

Avoiding clutter around the area you’ll be working in this could increase the risk of accidents. You should use separate buckets for washing water and soap if possible or at least label them accordingly with a permanent marker pen.

Now place some old sheets down to protect any surfaces from being splashed by water that may contain detergent.


Remove grime from surfaces

The first step is to remove the top layer of dirt from your stone or paving slabs with a soft brush around 10 – 12 inches away from the surface. 

In most cases, you will not need much pressure as jet washing will be enough to shift the majority of stubborn dirt and debris. If there are any stubborn or dried areas then use a stiff-bristled brush to break this down followed by a jet wash.

Turn off your machine before applying a detergent solution for safety reasons. Remember not to apply too much water via jet washing. This is because it can cause damage so stick with a gentle application until familiar with how well your equipment works. 

Ensure that all areas have been thoroughly rinsed afterward. You can now choose whether to leave your patio as it is or give it a final rinse with clean water.

Repeat the process until the area is completely free from dirt and debris

If you’re happy with your work then feel free to spray down your paving slabs with some cold water using a watering can and leave them to dry off. 

If however they still require more than one wash or there are any stubborn stains left behind then repeat this guide once more.

Once everything has dried off, any residual soapy residue should be scrubbed away with a stiff-bristled broom before leaving for 24 – 48 hours allowing anything which causes staining such as grease, etc to dissipate naturally. 

You may need to do this twice if you’ve used the dish-washing liquid as opposed to just water and washing up liquid.

A quick and effective way to clean in between stones and in cracks in paving slabs

If you’d like to give your patio a thorough clean or there is dirty water trapped in between the gaps then take a jet washer nozzle. Place it against the blockage so that it points at an angle of 45 degrees towards the dirt. 

Now turn on your machine and guide it around the area slowly making contact with each stone along its entire length before moving on to the next row. 

Ensure every stone has been thoroughly cleaned by running over all areas more than once if needed before turning off your machine. Repeat this for any remaining surface dirt.

Once you are satisfied with your jet washing you can now use a stiff bristle brush to clean around the entire surface of your patio. This is particularly good for getting dirt out of cracks in between paving slabs so don’t forget to give these a thorough clean also.


Choosing the right detergent for cleaning stone

You have two choices when it comes to choosing what type of cleaning agent you’d prefer to use on your paving slabs or stone surfaces. 

It’s worth noting that some dish-washing liquids are not suitable for use. This is because they contain bleaching agents which may lead to staining over time. Instead of only ever purchasing washing up liquid or similar products designed especially for stone surfaces.

If you’re feeling adventurous then try buffing on some white spirit oil with a piece of kitchen roll on a hard surface. 

Leave this for around an hour before removing any excess with baltic birch or similar sanding paper followed by rinsing the area with clean water. Once done, leave to dry off completely before using your jet washer nozzle to remove any residue.

Aromatic oil is also suitable for bringing out some really nice effects in the pores of some types of stone. This is to ensure you do some research beforehand if unsure what type of exfoliation effect may be achieved. 

Ensure that no further treatment will be required afterward such as sealing, re-oiling etc otherwise it might have been safer just to use cold water on its own.

Once everything has dried off thoroughly, feel to sprinkle some slat down over the area to provide a cushioned feel with an anti-slip finish. 

This will help prevent your paving slabs from being damaged by furniture and will also prolong the life of your stone surfaces as it absorbs some of the force from any moisture penetration which would otherwise cause staining if left untreated.

Some of the benefits of Jetting Wash a Patio are given below:

1. Professional companies who will jet wash your patio use industrial-strength pressure washers that can do an amazing job in just one hour.

2. A worn-down patio or walkway could be restored to its former glory, sometimes looking better than it did when new, which means you get value for money.

3. Pressure washing chemical substances will not be used on patios and walkways so they are safe for children and pets.

4. Your outdoor space will look fresh and inviting once more, meaning less dirt tracked into your home or business establishment by shoes coming through the door.

5. Although this process does involve water getting sprayed everywhere it is all completely safe.

6. It will mean that you are more inclined to use your patio or walkway because it looks so tidy and inviting.

7. After having Jet wash a patio, they can even lay new flagstones on your patio, which gives it an all-in-one makeover at very little cost.

8. Furthermore this method of cleaning wounds down to the barest stone possible, giving it a fresh feel

9. Professionals will wear covers over their shoes to prevent any damage from being done by coming into contact with the wet stones.

10. Your garden furniture also looks much cleaner after its has been jet washed as well as any pots ornaments that are lying around

11. The process does not involve any chemicals or detergents meaning it is environmentally friendly

12. It’s great for dark patios as the jet washer uses very hot high-pressure water to remove years of grime. The hotter the water, the better the job that will be done by your professional patio cleaner. 

Some companies use a steam cleaning method that involves even hotter water being blasted at your outdoor spaces.

13. With older methods of having your patio cleaned, you had to wait until it dried out properly before using it again, whereas this process allows you to return to using it almost immediately afterwards so there are no homeowners

14. Having Jet wash a patio also benefits homeowners because it looks amazing once complete, which will bring potential buyers to view your home more often.

15. The patio now has a reconditioned look and feel that’s much better than just pressure washing by itself as it also involves removing all dirt and grime from the substrate as well as applying a waterproofing agent if required.

16. It can be completed within a day or two depending on the size of the area being worked on.

17. The benefits include lasting for many years which contributes to saving money in the long term over other methods of cleaning a patio.

18. This method also saves trees from being cut down because you don’t need to use any chemicals or detergents at all making it environmentally friendly that can be completed within a day or so.

19. It is possible to have your patio cleaned with the same method every few years which will keep stubborn stains out of your outdoor space.

20. Patio jet washing is also very versatile as it can be used on any stone surface whether it’s brick, flagstone, concrete pavers, or more.



Whichever method you decide to use, remember that jet washing is a powerful tool that can do damage if it’s not used properly or if safety precautions are not taken. 

Always wear protective clothing – goggles, gloves, boots, etc. – when using an industrial hose. 

Also, keep children out of the way while you’re cleaning and don’t over-stretch yourself as jet washers have immense water pressure which can be dangerous if it’s pointed in the wrong direction.

In all, never leave a power washer running unattended, and make sure the jet washing area is well-ventilated.