Can You Put Lattice On Top Of A Fence? (find out now)


You can add a layer of beauty and privacy to your existing fence by installing a lattice on top of it. More so, the spaces in between the lattice also serve as an avenue for attaching some other decor.

Can yuou put a lattice on top of fence?

You can easily put a lattice on top of an existing fence if the fence itself is steady and firm enough. Lattice provides a personal touch to your fence, adds a layer of privacy, and you can design by painting it your favorite colors — especially a wooden lattice.

In modern home improvements, the lattice is installed over the top of the fence. And the process is quite simple.

Measure the distance between the fence posts. Typically, the spacing between posts is 8 feet.

Next, mark the center of the top post of the fence. Then, measure from there. Using a tape measure, mark the length of the lattice and then cut it accordingly.

You’ll need two 4-foot pieces to fit a standard-size lattice sheet.

Stick to the city codes

If you don’t want to use the fence extension, you can also add a lattice over the top.

Just make sure to follow the city codes to make sure that the lattice won’t affect the structure of the fence. You’ll need to mark the height and width of the fence panels. Then, mark the posts, making sure that the distances are equal.

Attaching the Lattice panel

lattice fence

You can attach the lattice panel to the wooden supports. You can use the panels to keep pets out, or you can stencil them on the walls.

Paint the lattice in a pretty color, or stain it and use it as a border on your fence. You can also paint the lattice panels.

Installing lattice on top of fence

To install the lattice, remember to install the fence and attach the panel. Then, attach the post to the lattice with galvanized screws and make sure the panels are evenly spaced.

Lattice fences can be applied on top of a 6-foot fence. The 6-ft fence requires a long-line permit and any longer than that is considered a code violation. If you’re planning on installing lattice, be sure to check the regulations. You can also choose a lattice that has small holes so that they don’t look too “gauge” or “too gauging.”

Can lattice go on top of a wooden fence?

Yes, it can. In fact, it most appropriate to install a lattice on top of a wooden fence.

To install lattice on top of a wood fence, drill holes in the lattice at least 1 inch deeper than the frames.

Then, screw the lattice over the fence frame with stainless steel screws. After attaching the lattice, you can then install decorative post caps. Remember to drill pre-drilled holes into the wood. It’s a much easier installation than day one!

Consult with a professional

If you’re not confident enough to DIY, you can also hire a professional to install lattice on top of an existing fence.

While this may be more complicated, the end result will be a beautiful lattice fence that will be perfect for your yard.

Then, if you’re ready to install the lattice on top of the wood fence, you’re ready to go!

If you’re looking for a simple way to install lattice on a fence, you can hire a professional to install it for you. But you can also do the work yourself if you have the time. Regardless of your choice, the results will be amazing!

So, do it yourself or hire a professional. You’ll be glad you did!

Use temporary bracing

If you want to install a lattice fence on a slope, you should use temporary bracing.

Then, add a planter box to the base of the lattice and measure the height of the posts. You can also add flowering vines to your lattice fence. This will dress up your lattice fence. Lastly, you’ll be pleased with the results!


A lattice fence can be a beautiful way to enhance an old fence. The wood lattice fencing is a traditional material and has many advantages over plastic.

While it doesn’t offer complete privacy, you can still add decorative lattice panels to your existing fence.

However, it is not the most durable option. For privacy purposes, the lattice may not be the best option.

If you have the time, you can also create your own lattice fence. While it is a great project to do on your own, it is also relatively easy to install.

A lattice fence can be built in two to three days. A small amount of work is required for installation. In most cases, a lattice fence will take about two to three days to complete.